Recurring card payments vs Direct Debit: What’s the difference?

A calendar highlighting the same day each month

As a merchant, who doesn’t like recurring revenue? Nobody, right? That’s exactly what recurring payments and Direct Debits can provide for you when optimised to their full potential. If they’re not optimised, you could be missing out on a lot of revenue. In fact, the average retention rate for a business taking recurring payments sits […]

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The most successful cryptocurrencies of 2023 | New Insights

Crypto wallet showing the value of Dogecoin over time

Key takeaways: What makes a successful cryptocurrency?  The most successful cryptocurrencies are all: What this essentially means is they are reliable and practical. For example, a coin that is scalable can process transactions very quickly, using the fastest and most secure blockchains.   Unsurprisingly, these qualities can make a cryptocoin more popular, expedient and valuable.  Read […]

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Should you go global with cross-border e-commerce?

World map with arrows indicating cross-border e-commerce

Cross-border shopping has become common practice for shoppers worldwide. Most consumers won’t even think twice about whether a purchase is being made locally or not; it’s just the norm to be able to shop internationally. But does that mean expanding into the cross-border e-commerce market is the next step for your business? There are many […]

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Tokenisation payment technology explained | A guide

Icons related to tokenisation including, security lock, card, and payment successful

Card tokenisation explained: How does tokenisation work in payments?  Tokenisation is a secure way of paying that involves swapping out a customer’s sensitive financial information with non-sensitive information; a token.  For a payment token example, say a customer is about to purchase something online with their debit or credit card, the tokenisation payment algorithm will […]

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Gen Z’s shopping habits: The future of payments


With over 2.5 billion people born between 1997-2013, Generation Z is becoming the largest population in the world. With their vast numbers and unique shopping behaviours, this dynamic group is revolutionising the way businesses operate. As a business owner, it’s essential to understand the psychological factors that drive their behaviour and tailor your brand to […]

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